vendredi 3 octobre 2014

Explosion de couleurs / Color blast - 3

Finalement / Finally

Finalement, le piquage est terminé.  Et lavée.  Toute cette fécule de maïs, pouach !  C'est l'été des Indiens, la courtepointe va terminer de sécher dehors.

Finally, the quilting is done.  And wash.  All that starch, gone !  It's Indian Summer, the quilt will dry outside.

Piquage / Quilting

Fil Isacord kaki pâle, s'hamonisant avec le tissu de contour/biais/endos.  Très bon choix, même sur les tissus foncés.

Isacord thread, celeri color, matching the border/bias/backing.  Good choice, even on darker fabrics.

Piquage à 1/8" des lignes de couture avec le walking foot.  Pas parfait tout le temps, surtout lorsque les coutures ne sont pas alignées.  Ou que je cours avec le walking foot.  Le tissus pardonne vraiment beaucoup.  Voyez les erreurs encerclées.

Quilting 1/8" apart from the seams with the walking foot.  Not always perfect, espicially when seams are not aligned.  Or that I'm running with the walking foot.  The fabric is really forgiving.  See the errors in the circles.

Problème / Problem

Il faut écouter les livres.  Et ne pas être paresseuse.  Ni être pressée de terminer.  Même s'il y a beaucoup d'épingles, ça bouge quand même.  Donc, NE jamais coudre des extrémités vers le centre. Il y a toujours un exécedent de tissu.  TOUJOURS coudre du centre vers les extrémités.

One must listen to the books.  And not be lazy.  Nor be in a rush to complete it.  Even if you pin a lot, fabric will shift anyway.  So, NEVER quilt from outside to the center.  There is always a bulk of fabric.  ALWAYS quilt from center to the outside.

stitch by stitch

23 commentaires:

  1. Your quilt is very beautiful and it looks gorgeous out in your garden.

    1. Thank you. We only have 3 pumpkins but that's enough.

      I looked at your Wedding Ring quilt and I really like the soft colours. And good luck for your free motion quilting, you'll see, this skill improves quickly.

      Thanks for stopping by.

  2. Your garden and pumpkins caught my eye as well. The quilt is also looking good.

    1. Thank you. We have a tons of fall strawberries this year, we are delighted. Thanks for stopping by.

  3. The colors are just marvelous. This is a true beauty!

  4. It looks absolutely stunning; I'd never have noticed the wobbles if you hadn't pointed them out and I love the fabric choices!

  5. I love it Chantal and everyone here is right - that picture in the garden is gorgeous!

    1. Thank you, it's a first for me, marrying quilt and pumpkins

  6. It's beautiful! You did a lovely job

    1. Thank you. That's funny, I just read your blog an hour ago.

  7. Well totally worth all the struggles to get to this. It's a beautiful finish. And I agree with everyone else, that photo in the garden is the best.

    1. Thank you. Summer doesn't last long in Montreal, the garden will be disassembled this week-end, and the kids are eager to draw on the pumpkins.

  8. So gorgeous! I love it so much!

  9. This is truly beautiful. The fabrics are so cheerful, and the design makes me want to just keep staring at it!

    1. Thank you. To be honest, I thought I would it more than that. Maybe it's the order I mix the fabric, I don't know. Anyway, kids are already playing with it.

  10. You are quite right, taking your time and ding things right makes a big difference. I love the way your fabrics play against each other - especially clear in your close ups. Enjoy the last little bit of your Indian summer.

    1. Thank you. We are always in a hurry to sew, you are right, some things takes time.


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